Zesty Rose and Almond Chickpea Cake

Sugar-free Coconut Cream, Rose and Almond Cake

This beautiful cake recipe was put together by Maxine Schuiling from Sugar Free Sundays, to celebrate our 12th birthday anniversary. But who really needs an excuse to eat cake?

Makes a medium sized double layer cake





Zesty Rose and Almond Chickpea Cake


  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
  2. Drain and rinse the can of chickpeas and pour into a blender. Add the almond butter, coconut milk, lemon juice, eggs and rose water and blend.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients (dry) into a mixing bowl and mix.
  4. Pour the wet ingredients into dry and mix until combined. Do not over mix!
  5. Grease two cake tins and divide the mixture between the two. Bake for 30-35 minutes (a knife should come out clean), but don’t overbake!

For the frosting:

A simple cream cheese frosting would be amazing on this, but if you’d like a dairy-free option then this coconut whipping cream is great. Leave your cream in the fridge overnight so that it is cold when you use it.

  1. Add the coconut whipping cream to a bowl and refrigerate for 30 mins.
  2. Beating slowly, add the remaining ingredients.
  3. Adjust to taste. Store in the fridge.  


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