Creamy avocado, fresh tangy citrus and lush leafy greens – there’s so much gorgeous seasonal produce available in winter, we have no excuse for letting our healthy eating habits slide! A metabolism boosting salad makes a delicious, filling dish, and helps to keep those extra pounds off during the wintery months. Check out these 2 mouth-watering winter salad recipes, packed with metabolism boosting and immune strengthening fruits and veggies.

Eating raw is a real adventure – you’ll discover a whole world of truly wholesome, tasty recipes that are surprisingly easy to make, plus new ways to enjoy your old favourites. Once you follow a largely raw food diet, your body is sure to thank you. Check out our scrumptious raw recipes, and our essential raw food shopping list.

You’ve got to admit the Tim Noakes Diet sounds appealing – plenty of filling foods, plenty of flavour and the chance to enjoy a leaner, fitter, healthier lifestyle! However, cutting out those carbs and sugar can be tougher than it sounds. So to simplify things, we’ve found you a few fab Paleo-friendly recipes, plus our own essential shopping list for aspiring “Banters”.

The 5:2 Diet, also known as The Fast Diet or Intermittent Fasting, is fast gaining popularity not just as a weight loss plan, but as a healthier way of life. This eating plan can take some getting used to though, as you’ll have to keep your calorie intake very low for 2 days every week. Luckily, there are plenty of low-calorie recipes you’ll find delicious, and easy to make. The Faithful team has put together some handy 5:2 recipes you’ll love; each one is under 200 calories a serving, so you can enjoy them on fast days and “normal” days. Plus we’ve included a fab shopping list to get you started.

neem-leaves Neem is truly one of nature’s most versatile and useful remedies. Gardeners trust it as an effective natural bug repellent, protecting their beloved crops against all kinds of pests – and it’s known to stop nasty critters like lice and mozzies from bugging us people too. What you might not have heard, is that neem oil, made from the leaves of the tropical neem tree, boasts a wealth of health and beauty benefits – it can make your hair shine and your skin glow! Take a look at what neem can do for you – plus some handy homemade skincare recipes using our pure natural neem oil.

turmeric We all know turmeric as the bright yellow spice that gives curry dishes their inviting colour; and as South Africans we most commonly think of it as the key ingredient in traditional yellow rice. What you might not know however, is that turmeric is also loaded with amazing medicinal properties. This precious golden spice can be used for so much more than its warming taste! Turmeric really is a natural health and beauty superstar – here’s a look at the key benefits you can enjoy by adding more turmeric to your daily diet and skincare regime:

apricot-kernels These unassuming little seeds might not look like much at first glance – but their list of health and beauty benefits are seriously impressive! We’re talking about apricot kernels, which have come into the spotlight lately for their potent cancer-fighting properties. These little superstars are the soft parts found at the centre of apricot seeds, and they’re jam-packed full of goodness. Here’s a look at the health-boosting, disease-fighting nutrients that make apricot kernels so special:
  • Amygdalin: Also known as B17 or laetrile. This natural substance helps to destroy malignant tumours, and kills cancer cells without harming the immune system.
  • Antioxidants: Promote a healthy, clear complexion; high vitamin A and E content also contributes to beautiful healthy skin.
  • Calcium: Supports strong, healthy bones and teeth.
  • Vitamin C: Provides immune system support.
  • Iron: Helps to form red blood cells, prevents anaemia.
  • Potassium & Sodium: Support healthy electrolyte balance.
  It’s clear that there are just so many benefits to eating apricot kernels regularly – and if you’re wondering how to work more of these little beauties into your daily diet, here are two delicious, simple recipes you can try at home.