Psssstt… all you lovely eco-minded ladies out there, our green team wants to let you in on a secret… one that’s sure to make your summer hikes, sports and seaside splashes that much easier to enjoy. We’re talking about MyOwnCup – an innovative eco-friendly sanitary product designed with your ultimate comfort, confidence and health in mind. It's already one of our most talked-about products, and there are so many great reasons it's worth talking about!

What if we told you there was a natural beauty product out there that could reduce wrinkles, cleanse the pores, banish dandruff, brighten up dark circles, treat split ends AND even fade tan lines? Today, we’re shining a big bright beauty spotlight on sweet almond oil, which can do all that and more! This nut oil is light and silky and just loaded with nutrients, making is amazingly good for the condition of your skin and hair. Here’s a look at ten common hair and skin complaints, and how almond oil provides the perfect natural beauty fix:


It’s no wonder organic maca root powder is one of our top-selling goodies. This superfood is a powerful adaptogen – meaning it helps your body cope with stress, both physical and emotional. This magical Peruvian plant is rich in B vitamins, amino acids, protein, calcium and other essential minerals; it nourishes the adrenal glands, helping to keep you feeling energetic and focused throughout the day. Maca also has a “romantic” side; it’s known for its ability to improve fertility and boost the libido.

Our homes and lives wouldn’t be the same without batteries – the tiny dynamos that provide all our favourite gadgets and modern conveniences with the power they need. From torches and electronic toys to the TV remote control, we rely on batteries to keep things running smoothly. And then when the juice runs out, we just pop them out, toss them in the bin and put some new ones in their place – right? Wrong! Batteries that get thrown away will be left in landfills, where they’ll start leaching their chemical contents into the earth and the atmosphere over time. These nasties include lead, plastics, sulphuric acid, mercury and cadmium. Considering the amount of batteries the average household uses, we’re looking at a very small product causing a very big mess. So, while our latest newsletter and blogs are focused on the topic of green cleaning, we thought we’d give you a few quick tips on keeping your home’s electronics that much cleaner and greener, by being more responsible about your battery use.