Our green team is so excited to tell you about the latest range we’ve just added to the Faithful to Nature store! These goodies are all about helping you enhance and enjoy your meditation sessions or your yoga exercises. Whatever your reasons for practicing yoga or meditation – be they physical, spiritual or psychological – both disciplines offer amazing health benefits for the body and mind. To find out more about each product suggested, click on the image and follow the link to our website. 

We recently published “The Natural Glamour Edition” of our popular weekly newsletter – and while this beauty product spotlight covered all the usual goodies like lipstick, nail lacquer and foundation, it included a few surprises as well. One of these was castor oil – the undisputed underdog of the natural beauty world! Castor oil is a thick gloopy plant oil best-known for its use as a natural constipation remedy; you’ve got to admit it’s not something that springs to mind when you’re talking glamour and beauty. However, castor oil is loaded with nourishing fatty acids, making it an amazing natural beauty-booster for your hair, skin and nails.

This post is especially for the ladies; a super-simple DIY home recipe for giving your “bosom buddies” some TLC. Breast Cancer Awareness month is coming up soon – a time when we all become more aware of our feminine health care needs – but of course, we all know how important it is to take proper care of our “girls” all year round. This ultra-nourishing natural masque helps to strengthen and firm your breast area, combating sagging and leaving your skin beautifully supple and soft.

After a few months of snuggly gloves and woolly socks, we bet your toes are tapping and your fingers are fidgeting to get out in some sunny summer weather! Of course, that means you’ll want your nails to look their best. So while you’re breaking out the flip flops and the beach bags, here are some of our top natural nail care tips for beautiful, healthy fingernails and toenails.