Medicinal mushrooms or fungi have been an important component in folk medicine since ancient times, and many have since found their way into mainstream healing and clinical studies. These humble-looking plants are actually amazingly rich sources of antioxidant compounds, with antibacterial, antiviral and antimicrobial properties...

The name might sound complicated, but the benefits are simple - Coleus Forskohlii is a plant-based supplement with fat-fighting and allergy-busting properties that will keep you feeling your best. What is Coleus Forskohlii? [caption id="attachment_7461" align="alignleft" width="160"] 60 Capsules R289[/caption] This remarkable plant is a member of the mint family, and...

It's known as black cumin, black caraway, Roman coriander, the blessed seed (or seed of blessing) - and occasionally, even "a remedy for everything except death"! Since ancient times, black cumin has been regarded worldwide as a "super seed" with amazing healing properties. Black seed extract is antiseptic, antibacterial, antispasmodic, antifungal AND anti-inflammatory - in short, PRO-health and wellbeing. If you haven't heard of precious black cumin, it's high time you did - so here's a look at what it is, where it comes from, what it does and how to use it.

Our green team is passionate about natural healing, and we're always looking to our loyal customers for inspiration on how we can offer you the best possible natural wellbeing solutions. So when we received an email from a customer asking about the best ways to combat acid reflux, we thought it was a great opportunity to put together some essential, need-to-know facts for you on acidity, acid reflux and balancing your body's pH. As you can see we've also had our green thinking caps on, and created a pH balancing product pack to help you heal and prevent the health issues associated with over-acidity.

If you're still feeling sluggish and slow despite the glorious summer sunshine, it's time for a post-winter detox to get your body and mind back on track. Detoxing means cleansing and revitalising your whole system, flushing out nasty toxins and losing a few unwanted pounds along the way! Here are 10 safe and healthy detoxing tips that will give you that reboot you need, without shocking your system or resorting to crash dieting.

We've all been there, and we all know summer colds and allergies are the quickest way to put a damper on even the sunniest disposition! Summer colds are caused by the same virus as winter colds (although they are only 25% as common), but they tend to feel a lot worse due to the heat, and of course this isn't the time of year you want to be snuggled up with a hot toddy or a bowl of chicken soup. So here's a look at the tastiest, freshest summer foods to help you heal the sniffles, and two great nutrient packed smoothie recipes you can sip on to stay healthy all summer long.

According to Jonhannesburg's Centre for Diabetes and Endocrinology, around 3.5 million South Africans are living with Diabetes, and another 5 million are pre-diabetic. The prevalence of Diabetes throughout Africa is expected to rise dramatically in the coming years, largely due to more people living a more sedentary lifestyle and following a poor diet high in processed, sugary foods. Diet plays a huge role in preventing and managing Diabetes; let's take a look at the causes behind this widespread condition, and the best dietary changes you can make to help manage it.