
Alternative Christmas Trees for Greenies

Christmas trees are an ancient celebration– the Tree of Life decorated with colour, light and blessings. Bringing this awareness into your space during the festive season is a time-honored tradition, but it’s the spirit of it that’s the point.

Instead of buying a real or chopped down Christmas tree that will probably not make it until the next season, there are so many creative and funky ways you can still bring the idea and spirit of a Christmas tree into your home, using recycled or minimal impact materials (okay it’s Christmas so we may want a bit of glitter and shiny here and there!) – from zen-like simplicity to nature-inspired fairy-like delicacy, ornately glittery, funky and arty – find the tree that expresses your tree of life.

We’ve put together some of our favourite DIY Christmas tree ideas to get you started:

1. Brushwood & Driftwood

Instead of hunting a Christmas tree, get out there, go for a walk in nature and see what she offers up. Gather beautiful branches or pieces of wood, use as is, or string them together, string them up, decorate them, add lights and colour or stick to the more ethereal feel of silver and gold – use your imagination and find what lightens your spirits. A Christmas tree is about joy!

2. Recycled Wood

Ever seen those shipping pallets lying around outside big shopping centres and shops? At hardware stores and workshops? Ask if they would mind contributing to your festive cheer. Have some pieces of wood lying around from old furniture or odds and ends you have got up to? See what you can come up with using pieces of recycled wood and transforming them into a tree of happiness for the holidays.


Via welke

3. Murals

Your four walls are there 365 days a year and using their support takes nothing extra from the environment! Make a mural that says “Christmas tree’’. You can use stickers, branches, old postcards, cut-outs from magazines, costume jewellry, broken crockery and old Christmas cards, for a fun family project. Create a collage of family meaning and memories.

4. Posters

A poster or painting (paint it yourself or do it with your family) of a tree can add that unique playful aspect that’s artistic and fresh – you get to choose what colours and materials make up this one. You can leave it simple, or stick some decorations over it – tinsel, cardboard stars and shapes in colours or metallics, a touch of glitter perhaps.

5. String it Up

Create the impression of a tree, but you don’t have to be literal, it’s how you feel about your tree that matters. Use string to secure your idea of a tree to the wall and decorate, or string up some greenery for a natural, stylized look.


Via domino


There is so much material around us we can create the unexpected from – whether you choose to go the traditional route of a real tree, or explore something different, enjoy what the Christmas tree offers – it represents your life and your blessings!

For more inspiration, visit our Pinterest page!

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