Highlights From the Faithful-To-Nature.co.za Facebook Fan Group – May

Folks, thousands are loving the green tips; inspiration for living a fuller more heart centric life and the fun we have with how goods can be repurposed –  click here to join our community. You must LIKE our page to be informed of updates.

Green Tips for Eco-living:

  • Is your vegetable garden (like mine) suffering from mildew? No worries –  mix about half a teaspoon of baking soda to one litre of water and spray it on the affected area. Don’t be tempted to add more baking soda to the solution as too much baking soda will burn the leaves.
  • BEAUTY IS NOT JUST SKIN DEEP. Moisturize your beauty-full body from within by increasing your intake of essential fatty acids from food and supplemental sources. Try a spoonful of chia seeds; hemp seeds; our flax oil; a handful of walnuts or our wholefood omega supplement once a day. All to be found on our online organic and natural store.
  • The next time you have green onions; don’t throw away the white ends. Simply submerge them in a glass of water and place them in a sunny window. Your onions will begin to grow almost immediately and can be harvested almost indefinitely. It is a good idea to periodically empty out the water, rinse the roots off and give them fresh water.
  • Save water and feed your garden!  Instead of dumping boiled water down the drain, remove the food, let water cool, and feed it to a thirsty plant or garden – the nutrients in the water will come back to thank you in your growing edibles.
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