21 May Gratitude For Our Educators
Teachers all across the country have been hard at work, making sure your kids still make it through their curriculum. It’s one of the most important jobs in our society that often goes thankless. If you’re wanting to show your educators that you and your children appreciate all that they do, here are a few suggestions. From helping the little ones navigate basic arithmetic, to perfecting a deep plié via a video call, our teachers form part of the workforce of heroes that don’t wear capes.
There are a whole host of restaurants, bakeries, florists and gift delivery services that you can lean on to create a unique care package for your child’s favourite teacher. The great thing about this gift is, having been restricted for most of lockdown, the local business could use your support too. You can organise anything from a brunch platter or dessert assortment to a fruit bouquet or a charcuterie set, or even just a voucher to their favourite cafe.
Video cards, a charming ode, or even a unique story is a gift that will come from the heart. It costs nothing to gather your kids around your phone camera to send a special message to their teachers. A poem dedicated to the principle will go a long way in reminding the school staff that you appreciate what they are doing for our kids during this time.
Teaching is an incredibly taxing profession. It has the potential to be as physically exhausting as it is mentally demanding. Find out how your kids’ educators like to unwind and make it come true. It could be anything from an aromatherapy massage to an hour at your local bounce house. “I really regretted that mani-pedi,” said no one, EVER. Consider what you night enjoy and make it happen for them.
What teacher would say no to a year subscription to Netflix or Hulu? You don’t have to interact with them to organise getting their lawn mowed or their groceries delivered for the week. We can all appreciate that we are a little scatterbrain at the moment, so helping you child’s teacher by taking care of something, you really show that you empathise with how stressed they might be right now.
Create a really impressive gift by pooling your resources together with the other parents in your child’s class. There are many instances when teachers purchase classroom supplies out of their own pocket, you can use this break as an opportunity to donate to that fund. When school resumes again, they’ll put that money to good use and your kids will benefit from it.
Teachers invest their time and efforts into educating our children, only to be forgotten when they move from one grade to the next, or from prep school to high school. When this is all over, our children will matriculate or graduate. Why not invite your child’s favourite teacher to their graduation celebration or a dinner celebrating their passing. It gives you an opportunity to build a relationship with the teacher if you have younger kids in the same institution. The teachers themselves will feel like their efforts don’t go unnoticed.
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