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Single Batch Water Kefir

Single Batch Water Kefir

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Single Batch Water Kefir
22 reviews Add review
  • 500ml
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Water kefir is the vegan alternative to milk kefir – it’s a pleasantly fizzy fermented drink with plenty of probiotic benefits. Kefir is a powerful live probiotic, which helps to balance your intestinal flora, and in turn, improves your overall wellness. Single Batch is a brand of all-natural kefir, fermented using just a dash of organic brown sugar, to give you a superior end product.

Our strict ingredient policy means that you can always shop according to your values. Every item on FtN is checked to be better for the environment, socially responsible, good for you and free from toxic ingredients.

This is a refreshingly dry fizzy beverage, similar to old-fashioned soda water but with numerous health benefits. Single Batch water kefir is made without any artificial carbonation, synthetic additives or sweeteners. All you get is pure, health-boosting goodness.

  • 500ml
  • Made locally in small batches
  • Vegan-friendly; fermented with water
  • A powerful natural probiotic
  • No artificial carbonation
  • Made with organic brown sugar

What makes kefir so good for you?

  • Balances intestinal flora; improves beneficial bacteria in the gut
  • Contains beneficial yeasts, which help to combat pathogenic yeasts such as Candida
  • Improves digestive health
  • Boosts energy & immunity levels
  • Promotes absorption of nutrients in the gut

A note on sugar: Single Batch water kefir is made using a very small amount of brown organic sugar; just 1tsp per litre. During fermentation, the kefir grains consume the sugar, leaving behind only trace amounts. The final product is 99% sugar-free.


  • Do not shake; open slowly, sip and enjoy!
  • Best consumed within 3 days of opening.


Water kefir, fermented with kefir grains. All natural ingredients used in the fermentation process, including Ginger, citrus, organic Sugar and Himalayan Salt.

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Overall Rating
3.7 out of 5 stars from 22 reviews

17 out of 22 people would recommend this product

12/11/2023, By Analyst
Inclined to agree with 2017 reviewer that product needs to be tested. It smells foul and after only two sips, I experienced a headache and nausea.

Unfortunately, FTN only conveys what the supplier's response i.e. that 'there is nothing wrong with the batch'.

While I find FTN staff exceptionally friendly and helpful, they do not appear to understand that 'testing a batch' by smelling those bottles, does not translate into taking the specific bottle, and specific symptoms into account.

I will continue to support FTN because it is a good company.

However, I will never buy fermented foods online again, as a split order, delays due to courier having wrong name and address, and no idea where the water kefir travelled to and from and for how long until I was found, sounds to me like circumstances that cannot simply be brushed aside.

We are responsible for our own health, and I post this in the public interest and would prefer not to be awarded a point for it.

27/03/2022, By Khanyisa
Overall good product, but I didn't like its smell
17/11/2021, By Mulalos
Good for the digestive system
27/11/2020, By Belinda
Drinking Water Kefir always makes my digestive feel good. It is an acquired taste, the hibiscus and ginger flavoured ones are great.
28/10/2020, By T
Lovely and refreshing
20/08/2020, By Duané
Simply delicious! I love this one!
02/08/2020, By Fantasy
How's that
17/07/2020, By Jennifer
Not a great taste
17/06/2020, By Duané
Really love this one!
08/05/2020, By Noah
Great Kefir
09/10/2019, By Faz
Amazing not meant to be a tasty drink but amazing for the stomach been suffering for a long time. It works amazingly!
30/04/2019, By Sarah
Did not enjoy this product - I found the smell and taste very unpleasant
01/04/2019, By Sarah
The smell is very off-putting
03/03/2019, By Carmi
I ordered the Plain, Hibiscus and Ginger one. All are tasty but I prefer and recommend the ginger. It is almost like a stoney just not as sweet!
11/07/2018, By Joande
Love the fizz and natural taste. Some people would have to get used to the taste, though.
11/07/2018, By Jo
Love the fizz and natural taste.
07/01/2018, By Ayanda
You need to consume this within 2 days at best. By day 3, it loses its kick. Or it begins to fade in other words.

If this is your first time drinking this, you are about to experience something so cold. But it's good for you.
26/08/2017, By mbali
This was a big disappointment, it was the first time I bought it fortunately I bought only one to try . I was so great full I bought one. It does not taste like water kefir at all. It is not physy as expected , it taste bad.
I am actually looking at taking it to a laboratory for testing , because it is no where close to a water kefir
14/07/2017, By Robyn
The bottle I had was flat (no fizz) and it tastes kinda like pond water. Will not buy again.
19/06/2017, By BigBoss
It simply does not taste nice.
06/06/2017, By Sarah M
I know I should make my own but I just don't have the time right now and am so super happy I can get this already made and it tastes so much better than I thought it would! It's so good for you, and I try drink about 2/3 bottles a week.
06/06/2017, By Joande
This product is awesome, as I am not a fan of traditional Kefir. Love the fizz and natural flavour. I cannot leave my house in the mornings without my daily dose.

Please Note:

Faithful to Nature is an online retail store, specialising in a wide selection of natural supplements, vitamins, superfoods and health-related products. Our green team is all about helping you unlock your full potential to live a healthy life; however we are not medical professionals. Please do consult your health care practitioner when seeking medical advice. Some products may be manufactured in a factory that also produce gluten, nuts and dairy products.

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