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Kogita Secret Purify & Cleanse

Kogita Secret Purify & Cleanse

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Kogita Secret Purify & Cleanse
15 reviews Add review
  • 60 Capsules
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Kogita Secret’s Purify & Cleanse gently cleans, and detoxes your stomach, and colons whilst you sleep. The fusion of roots, and aloe crystals in Purify & Cleanse absorbs toxins, and flushes parasites, and bacteria from your gut. Take this tummy supplement, and you will feel lighter, and more full of energy!

Our strict ingredient policy means that you can always shop according to your values. Every item on FtN is checked to be better for the environment, socially responsible, good for you and free from toxic ingredients.
  • All-natural supplement to cleanse and detox the stomach, and colons whilst you sleep
  • Aloe ferox crystals combat parasites, bacteria, and help to flush your bowels
  • Kefir root aids digestion, and helps with healthy elimination
  • Ashwagandha helps in many ways, one of which is the purifying, and cleansing function it has on the mood
  • For optimum results, Purify & Cleanse is taken in conjunction with Heal & Harmonize
  • Caffeine, and ephedrine free


  • Take 1 capsule before bed

Care Instructions:

  • Store in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight


  • 60 capsules


Country of Origin:

  • Made in The United States Of America
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Overall Rating
4.7 out of 5 stars from 15 reviews

14 out of 15 people would recommend this product

25/09/2023, By Chantal
Works really well. Perfect detox, and assists with my IBS
15/03/2021, By jess
26/10/2020, By Elize
Feel good
16/10/2020, By Slindo
What a wonderful product. I've started being regular with no daily stomach cramps and stuff. I feel lighter and i know i will see more results.
13/10/2020, By Therese
Although pricey, it is the best product to clear out toxins in the bowel.
09/09/2020, By Therese
I don't know how I would survive without this product. The fact that it is natural is a bonus. I suffer from IBS and find this product definitely beneficial.
11/07/2020, By Chris Abiola
This Product is very good its really Purify & Cleanse. we are still on it but the few days that we have taken its really works perfect so i recommend this product for anyone who wants to live a healthy life.
17/02/2020, By NP
It works, has made me feel much lighter, and has helped with bloating. I also had a problem with waking regularly (at least 2-3 times) at night to urinate, but after a few weeks of using this I find that has reduced, so I'm also sleeping better
03/01/2020, By Tess
I have been using this product for over two months and can definitively feel the difference. I suffer from IBS and constipation and this is very effective without the usual cramps and bloated feeling one gets with other digestive supplements.
12/12/2019, By San-Michelle
It works but thinks one should only take it twice a week (had slight cramps).
27/11/2019, By Angie
I love this! No more sugar craves and I feel amazing!
30/08/2019, By Belinda
This product does exactly what it says, but for me this is too strong and cannot be used every day. At most once a week.
24/06/2019, By Taryn
I take one of these at night and one Kogita Secret Heal & Harmonise capsule in the morning. My sugar cravings have definitely decreased and I've only been taking these for a week!
12/04/2019, By Christine
I have been using thisfor quite some time and it is great for daily detox
20/11/2018, By Sam
Great detox

Please Note:

Faithful to Nature is an online retail store, specialising in a wide selection of natural supplements, vitamins, superfoods and health-related products. Our green team is all about helping you unlock your full potential to live a healthy life; however we are not medical professionals. Please do consult your health care practitioner when seeking medical advice. Some products may be manufactured in a factory that also produce gluten, nuts and dairy products.

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