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Efficient Microbes Super EM

Efficient Microbes Super EM
Efficient Microbes Super EM
7 reviews Add review
  • 1L
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JHBIn stock, 36 items available
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Efficient Microbes Super EM is a concentrated, all-natural, probiotic solution which eliminates odours, breaks down waste and acts as an effective, natural cleaning agent. The beneficial micro-organisms in Super EM discourage the growth of mould, fungus and harmful bacteria and replenish beneficial microbes in any environment. When applied consistently and following the proper usage guidelines, this powerful biological concentrate will help you maintain a clean, healthy environment, without the use of harmful chemicals. Super EM is 100% safe, natural and biodegradable, yet incredibly effective and powerful.

Our strict ingredient policy means that you can always shop according to your values. Every item on FtN is checked to be better for the environment, socially responsible, good for you and free from toxic ingredients.
  • Eliminates odours & breaks down solid & liquid waste.
  • Effective household cleaner and natural sanitizer.
  • Eliminates disease and pathogens.
  • Drastically reduces fly and mosquito populations.
  • Reduces or eliminates algae and chemicals in ponds and lakes whilst creating a healthy environment for plant and fish life.

About the Efficient Microbes Cultures Species: 

  • Not genetically modified; all species are naturally occurring
  • Not chemically synthesized
  • Contains only the microorganisms that are listed on the United States FDA’s GRAS list (Generally Recognized As Safe)
  • Contains no alcohol, sodium bicarbonate or charcoal
  • Contains no artificial flavours, sweeteners or colours


  • 1 Litre


  • Purified Water, Kelp, Natural Sugar Cane Molasses, Natural Sea Salt, Wheat Bran and Blend of Efficient Microbes Cultures. 

Efficient Microbes Cultures Species List:

  • Bacillus subtilis, Bifidobacterium animalis, B. bifidum, B. longum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. casei, L. bulgaricus, L. fermentum, L. plantarum, Lactococcus lactis, Saccharomyces cerevisae, Streptococcus thermophilus, Rhodopseudomonas palustris and R. sphaeroides.
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Overall Rating
4.9 out of 5 stars from 7 reviews

7 out of 7 people would recommend this product

17/12/2021, By Nay
Great to pour down bath, shower and kitchen sink drains, we have a gray water system and this product ensures that all our gray water can be used for the garden.
24/01/2021, By Marcienne
Amazing product! Using this product for smelly drains and dustbins.
25/10/2020, By Mien
Great supplement
14/09/2020, By Jane
This stuff is fantastic
I did an experiment and sprayed half my grimy shower a day or so the brown just lifted
I did it again and the difference between to sides is remamarkable
Took a photo but wouldn’t know how to get it on to this site so you will have to believe me
Takes away dog smells
Even cleans up poo
I know micro organisms history and amazing story so so happy to have found it again as all the other companies who made it folded because it is so difficult to understand its amazing effect on the planet
28/08/2020, By Tara
Worked really well
28/07/2020, By Karen
Very good product
02/04/2020, By Winner
Like this one

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Faithful to Nature is an online retail store, specialising in a wide selection of natural supplements, vitamins, superfoods and health-related products. Our green team is all about helping you unlock your full potential to live a healthy life; however we are not medical professionals. Please do consult your health care practitioner when seeking medical advice. Some products may be manufactured in a factory that also produce gluten, nuts and dairy products.

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