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Bokashi Composter

Bokashi Composter
Bokashi Composter
  • 25L
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Why Faithful to Nature loves it:
Recycle your food waste and make nutrient-dense compost with your Bokashi Composter. This compost bin is perfectly paired with Bokashi Bran ®. Microbes in the bran ferment organic waste making it safe for composting. We love that Bokashi uses South African microbes of high quality and consistency. Reduce your waste in a few steps with Bokashi Composter now!

Our strict ingredient policy means that you can always shop according to your values. Every item on FtN is checked to be better for the environment, socially responsible, good for you and free from toxic ingredients.
  • Airtight 25L composting bin
  • Ferment & then safely compost food waste
  • Eliminates odours & prevents food from rotting
  • Internal strainer separates liquid from solid food waste
  • Includes a tap for extracting concentrated Bokashi ‘tea’ for plants
  • Ferment raw & cooked food, dairy, bones, citrus, Onion & more
  • Made in South Africa


  • Instructions for your kitchen:
  • Collect food waste in a covered container for up to 4 hours*.
  • Empty food waste into Bokashi bucket and press down with a masher.
  • Sprinkle a scoop of Bokashi Bran® over each layer of food waste.
  • Seal the bokashi bucket tightly after adding food waste and Bokashi Bran®.
  • When the bucket is full, keep it sealed out of direct sunlight for 2 weeks. Tap off the tea.
  • Process into compost with garden waste in a compost pile or bury in a trench.

Processing the food waste into compost:

  • When bin is full, leave it for two weeks out of direct sunlight. Make sure the lid is
  • sealed tightly. This completes the fermentation process.
  • A white fungi-looking growth may appear on the food waste. This is a sign that good
  • fermentation is taking place.
  • Tap off bokashi tea that collects in the bottom of the bucket. This happens when the bucket is full and fermentation begins. The higher the water content of the food waste, the more liquid you will get.
  • Dilute tea 1:300 with water and feed to plants as concentrated organic plant food. Avoid the leaves. Use a mix-nozzle for further dilution.
  • For smelly drains, pour neat bokashi tea down the drain. The effective microorganisms will eliminate the pathogenic bacteria causing the smells.
  • Make a hole in a traditional compost heap of garden waste, including grass cuttings, leaf rakings and dead plants. You can include egg boxes, old pizza boxes.
  • Empty the contents of the bokashi bucket into the compost. Spread it out and chop with the spade.
  • Cover with compost and garden waste.
  • Turn the pile every 4 to 5 weeks.
  • Food waste will have decomposed within 7 - 10 weeks.
  • Alternatively: Dig a trench in the soil about 40cm deep and bury the contents.
  • Only plant in this section after leaving it to stand for two weeks.
  • *This includes raw & cooked food, dairy, coffee grinds, tea bags, flowers, small bones, citrus, eggshells, seafood, unprinted white paper towel and meat! Please note that excessive amounts of liquids, oil (oils in salad dressing is fine) and food that is off or already smelling is not suitable.


  • Nett Volume: 25 Litre


  • Compost bin are made from recycled plastic, straining tray made from A-grade plastic.

Country of Origin:

  • Product of South Africa.
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Please Note:

Faithful to Nature is an online retail store, specialising in a wide selection of natural supplements, vitamins, superfoods and health-related products. Our green team is all about helping you unlock your full potential to live a healthy life; however we are not medical professionals. Please do consult your health care practitioner when seeking medical advice. Some products may be manufactured in a factory that also produce gluten, nuts and dairy products.

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