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Rawbiotics Kids

Rawbiotics Kids
Rawbiotics Kids
112 reviews Add review
Price From: R109.00
  • Multiple Sizes

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Price From: R109.00
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Rawbiotics are live fermented probiotics that balance and optimize gastro-intestinal tract functionality. The addition of Rawbiotics Kids provides all the original goodness in a more suitably child-friendly formula. It provides natural bacteria needed for good health and growth, for healthy digestion, healthy bodies, and in turn happy children.

Our strict ingredient policy means that you can always shop according to your values. Every item on FtN is checked to be better for the environment, socially responsible, good for you and free from toxic ingredients.
  • Contains Herbal Extracts that work with the live probiotics to balance and optimise the digestive tract
  • The herbal blend of peppermint, lemon balm, chamomile, and elderberry have been specifically chosen for children
  • Contains organic fruit-juices for an improved taste (berry flavour)
  • Rawbiotics contain 14 strains and multiple classes of beneficial live bacteria fermented at body temperature
  • As a result, and unlike pure-culture (freeze-dried) probiotics, Rawbiotics create a comprehensive probiotic that better survives stomach acid
  • Improves the body’s ability to use given nutrition, assisting with healthy growth and increasing the body’s ability to create natural vitamins and antibiotics
  • 100% natural and GMO free
  • Gluten free
  • Dairy free
  • Non-freeze dried
  • Soy free
  • Lactose free


  • 1-6 years old: 5ml/day
  • 6 years old+: 15ml/day
  • Newborns & Babies: Begin with 1ml per day and gradually build up to 5ml per day.

Care Instructions:

  • Store out of direct sunlight below 25 degrees celsius room temperature.


  • Available in: 200ml, 500ml & 1 Litre



  • Bifidobacterium animalis, Bi. bifidum, Bi. longum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. buchneri, L. bulgaricus, L. casei, L. delbrueckii, L. fermentum, L. plantarum, Lactococcus diacetylactis, L. lactis, Bacillus subtilis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Streptococcus thermophilus
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Overall Rating
4.7 out of 5 stars from 112 reviews

109 out of 112 people would recommend this product

29/07/2024, By Lenecia
Doesn't taste amazing, but boy oh boy it works. My toddler has eczema, and there are studies showing the benefits of probiotics on eczematic skin. She's been on this for 10 days and it's definitely made a difference. I mix it with a little raw honey so she'll drink it.
14/07/2024, By S.
Strong taste, like vinegar. I don’t mind it, but my kids don’t like it. Not sure if it is working yet, but it contains a lot of different types of probiotic strains. I like that it doesn’t need to be kept in the fridge .
04/07/2024, By Ryno
Both my kids would struggle using the toilet but after using this Raw biotics, they would last maybe 2 minutes on the toilet then they done. That's how awesome this product is. If your child struggle to use the toilet I would recommend this product.
03/07/2024, By Charne
We love it
17/06/2024, By Kerryn
Great product.
05/03/2024, By Yasmine
Really love this for my kid.
13/02/2024, By Mimi
My kids love it
07/02/2024, By Roxi
Blown away by this product!! Meal-times were a constant struggle with our 4 year old, as she just wouldn’t eat, since giving her this product daily her appetite has increased dramatically! Too soon to tell if it’s helping with anything else but so far I’m overjoyed! The taste is horrible (like olive juice) but she gulps it down easily…
20/01/2024, By Berna
Starting using this around 9 months of age. Helped so much with my little girls tummy issues (constipation, gass & discomfort). Although her skin isn't clear and there's still occasional eczema flare-ups, it's has definitely improved her skin as well! It have her cramps for 3 days straight when we started... So follow the products instructions on starting with a very small dose and building it up from there.
24/11/2023, By Anna
Love this for kids
05/11/2023, By Boo
Love it, it helped with getting rid of thrush on my newborn
11/10/2023, By Thembeka
My son struggles with constipation regularly. I have been giving him this product and I am so happy with the results. He is now regular and his skin has cleared up so much. The taste is a bit bitter but he is getting used to it. Would definitely recommend this product.
22/08/2023, By Bosnimf
Easy to give to child. My child have been using this since small and make such a difference for her
03/03/2023, By Charlotte
Works well and has a strange taste but the kids love it.
31/08/2022, By Ani
Good price for probiotics. My two year old tells me it is 'sour' so I add it to cold tea and honey.
30/07/2022, By Siv
But it every month. My little one loves it. Great for her tummy and immune system.
08/12/2021, By Liz
My children suffer from SEVERE chronic constipation!!! Honestly, I mean hospitalization severe. Anyway, out of desperation I thought I will give this a try. Reviews look good. What do I have to lose? I am going to be honest. The first few days there were horrible painful stomach cramps (I took it too) but then tummies began to work. Now the cramps have gone and tummies are (touch wood) going so so well. It's amazing. Unfortunately when we forget to take it we do start back at square one but this stuff is truly magic. We only take 5ml each and I would recommend doing the same at first and then upping the dose if you need it. We found that a higher dose had some unwanted side effects. My daughter is 7 and my son is 3 and it works great for the adults in the house as well. Use a syringe because it smells absolutely awful and keep a glass of water nearby because the taste isn't exactly awesome either. It's a little bit sour and first and then it goes very bitter after that but a little water does the trick. I still have to do a lot of begging to get the kids to take it. I really do recommend this product.
02/11/2021, By Lelanie
My five year old daughter struggle badly with her tummy, constantly constipation and bad build up in her tummy. This product sorted it all out in a day! I’m soo thankful!!! Will definitely order again.
04/07/2021, By Juliette
The kids love their probiotic. I either put it in some fruit juice or yoghurt, they take it like pros . Good health, strong, happy kids. This is our favourite product.
22/05/2021, By Arti
Although the flavour isnt great, the results are amazing. I have been through many probiotics and this one has improved the well being of my family.
17/05/2021, By ivdv
Brilliant, the smell is just not great, you will need to give it with juice or something otherwise your kids won`t drink it...
22/04/2021, By Mmak
My daughter loves it.
21/04/2021, By Amena
Apart from the taste, this is a great product. Unfortunately my kids won't take it anymore.
12/04/2021, By Melissa
The best probiotic in my opinion!
21/03/2021, By Monique
I have heard allot of good things about this product and decided to buy it for my 4 year old as he has constipation die to a daily antibiotic for his immune. Its smells like prunes and tastes very bad, my son can’t and won’t drink it, but....

I put it in juice in the morning as i have seen a huge difference in his daily stools and this is what is important. it really works well
12/01/2021, By Carla
My go to Probiotic for my kiddies
15/12/2020, By Khululiwe
Buy this for my nieces and nephews after seeing what the adult version did for me. 80% of the immune system is in the stomach so what better way to keep illnesses at bay? My babies have gotten so used to the taste, sometimes we forget to give it to them and they beg for it.
12/12/2020, By Tina
I’ve heard so many great things about this product but unfortunately my kids don’t like the taste (2&4). I’m going to have to figure out a way to make it work for them.
12/12/2020, By P.Jacobs
My kids have been using this for the Past 2 Years now and have not Really gotten ill, This has really put their immune system in Check for a Well Balanced life!!!
11/12/2020, By Fatima
When kiddies were at school really felt their immune systems were stronger by taking this
09/12/2020, By Simone
Shame it tastes terrible, but still waiting to see results as I only received it a week or so ago. Fingers crossed as I have only heard good things about Rawbiotics.
29/11/2020, By Kate
Have been using on my 3 and 1 year old for about 2 weeks now. Haven't noticed a big difference just piece of mind that they may be a bit healthier because of it :)
13/11/2020, By Jane
Absolutely love this product. Kids do however complain about the taste, but is not totally put off by it.
21/10/2020, By Carla
Strong taste, but my kids are used to it already. Sorts out tummies quickly.
16/10/2020, By Laila
07/10/2020, By nicole
Love it ! All 3 Kids aged 3,4 & 7 take it. No complaints
29/09/2020, By Natalie
My kids - 4 and 1 - both take this easily. I like the ingredients and will continue using it.
26/09/2020, By Maryam
My son suffers from eczema. I can definitely see an improvement in his skin. He has had less flare ups since starting on this probiotic. I love that it is all natural with no harmful additives.
23/09/2020, By Arti
Great product
29/08/2020, By Fatima
Great product. Seems to have helped my son who suffers with constipation. Took a few weeks to get used to the taste. Now he drinks it straight.
26/08/2020, By Tanja
My son has been using this everyday for the past 2 and a half years. It's not any better tasting than the 'ordinary' one, but he happily takes it, with a smile.
It does the job and I think it is a great product.
08/08/2020, By Clare
Good product
31/07/2020, By Sarah
This product helps keep my son regular as he was previously very constipated. We had tried many other products, medicines and fibre and this was the only product that has shown results. Taste is a bit strange but we mix it with juice and you can hardly taste it. Brilliant natural product!
29/07/2020, By Sumari
Just mix it with a bit of juice or put in a smoothie and magic! Best one to use for the kids. Natural product.
28/07/2020, By Gabriella
The taste takes getting used to, but my kids are really well on this probiotic
28/07/2020, By Gabi
The only probiotic I use for my son. The taste is quite strong but he loves it
27/07/2020, By Elize
My son is much healthier after giving this product. He is 11, and used to suffer a lot from allergies
01/07/2020, By Nosi
Love it for my son. Only thing that makes me give it 3 stars is that the recommended dose does not allow for usage of the bottle in the recommended time from opening. They need to make smaller bottles for kids perhaps.
18/06/2020, By Kristen
Great product but my 3 year old refuses to take it. The taste is a little strong for my little one.
17/06/2020, By LGJ
This is a good product in its content however my daughter could not tolerate the taste so we were unable to use it
15/06/2020, By Nicole
Doesn't taste bad. Both of my kids took it without complaining. Great natural product.
14/06/2020, By Lauren
I give this to my children every morning and love that they are getting the probioitcs they need. Highly recommend as this product is affordable whilst containing the needed probiotics for good gut health
11/06/2020, By Nicole
Really great quality. My son hates the taste although he can eat really strange things but nothing ge wont take if bribed with jelly beans.
31/05/2020, By Talent
Healthy kids
21/05/2020, By Esmari
Amazing product for the little ones, we use this for our baby and toddler!!
10/05/2020, By Cez
Kids love it! Definitely tastes better than the adult one :)
15/04/2020, By Sarah
My kids have a shot every evening with their dinner. I was at first concerned about the taste, but they soon got used to it and either drink it straight or mixed in their water. My son's warts disappeared a few weeks after taking it, when other treatments failed. I believe rawbiotics has improved his gut (he's an asthma, allergy, eczema sufferer). My kids used to take chewable probiotics and vitamins but stopped as I think it contributed to them needing fillings from the added sugars for better taste and getting stuck in between their teeth. Much happier with rawbiotics and I buy by the litre.
14/04/2020, By sarika
This helped my baby with constipation
09/04/2020, By Carla
10 stars!!
07/04/2020, By Happy Mommy
Excellent product really helps to keep my 5 year old who has daily struggles to stay regular.
04/04/2020, By sam
Both Kids don't mind the taste of this product and my eldest (2.5yo) even asks for her probiotics everyday!
30/03/2020, By Rochelle
My 8 year old is a fussy eater who does not eat fruit and vegetables so giving this helps a lot with keeping him regular.Love this product.
19/03/2020, By Izelle
Fantastic product! Takes time for the kids to get use to the taste, but now they drink it with ease.
12/03/2020, By Natalie
Both kids will take this - it's a win!
12/03/2020, By Layle
Needs to be mixed into a juice for the kids to drink it but works well. I like that it can be kept out of the fridge and the bottle is big enough to last a whole month for 2 kids
09/03/2020, By Nikki
Excellent product
05/03/2020, By Go
Job done
04/03/2020, By Lizette
Just love how this product helped my baby.
12/02/2020, By Nikki
This product is amazing, my daughters actually come and ask me for the tummy medicine when I forget, they feel better on it.
05/01/2020, By Liezel
Ahh sadly my son doesn’t like the taste - I mix it with some juice to try get it in.
04/12/2019, By Venean
I went through these reviews and could hardly believe how good it sounded but absolutely agree. My son had a runny nose for over a week when I received the delivery within hours it had stopped and it hasn't been runny since. His eczema also seems to be improving. Definitely recommend this product to moms of toddlers!
26/11/2019, By T
I use 1 bottle for baby & myself, either in baby's milk bottle or for me a shot of fruit juice as I dont like the taste. lasts long for both of us using it
15/11/2019, By Jacqs
My son was ill, needing antibiotics and he lost his appetite - since taking rawbiotics, his appetite and energy levels have increased love this product
21/10/2019, By Dawid
No better probiotic on the market
10/10/2019, By Kirsty
My toddler really enjoys this, even asking for it in the morning. The bottle (1 liter) is very difficult to pour from. I think I'll buy the 500ml one just to spill less!
09/10/2019, By Bethany
My son loves it!! Great for our health
09/10/2019, By Lindy
Would definitely buy this again. Small kids, aged 3 didn’t mind the taste at all! Love that’s it such a wholesome natural product!
25/09/2019, By Portiah
i give this to my 1 yr old and 4 yr old. It definitely helped my baby with being regular and less gassy. It doesn't taste nice, but surprisingly my kids like it nonetheless and they drink it with no issues.
23/09/2019, By Jenn
Not a great taste but makes a marked difference to the gut health of my children. I will keep buying.
01/09/2019, By Halima
A mom to a new born whom is formula fed and had been very gassy and colicy since 2 weeks of birth.By giving her this daily i saw the difference with great effect the nature way.It enables her tummy to be regular like clock work,certainly a must have in every home.
28/08/2019, By Michelle
Very impressed by this son suffers from eczema and the probiotics help restore the bacteria in the gut, thereby improving his skin. Good value for money too.
14/07/2019, By Nompumelelo
it's the best thing for my kid. it really is a general health tonic. my LO does not mind the taste at all!
11/07/2019, By Carla
So far so good. My kids have not gotten sick yet this winter. The taste is something to get used to.
02/07/2019, By Chantelle Muller
This will cure anything you got.. works like a charm to heal you within a few hours and also keeps you healthy and energized .. got the daily as a sample struggled with terrible stomach bug ..nothing helped not even antibiotics .. me and my husband and kids drank this next day we were fine.. UNBELIEVABLE!! THIS SHOULD BE IN EVERY HOME IN SA ..
02/07/2019, By Lauren
I love this product and it works great for adults too! Add it to raw juice, smoothies or have it plain!
02/07/2019, By Sonette
Both my kids seems to benefit from this. no more runny tummies after school as we often got with my 5 year old.
17/06/2019, By Chrissy
The best probiotic we have tried so far.
08/06/2019, By Sunette
Seems so really make a difference in balancing my kids' digestive systems.
05/06/2019, By Chrissy
First probiotic that clearly shows results for my kids . Good price-quality ratio.
27/05/2019, By Vanessa
Good quality product and very reasonably priced compared to other probiotics! My kids are not keen on the taste but they are willing to drink it at least. Taste is not much different from the adult version.
10/05/2019, By Bernice vh
Product still works wonders for my Little One long after 6 weeks shelf life.
07/05/2019, By Chantal
Tried the adult version and read up on this site about the Kids Rawbiotics which I bought 1L of. Tastes exactly like the adult version - no berry/ fruity anything. I only found out through the Rawbiotics contact that it only lasts 6 weeks once opened - there's no ways my daughter is going to consume 1L in that period, so not worth it. They should make the shelf-life clearer.
19/04/2019, By Shannon
By far the best probiotic I’ve used with my little one who has tummy issues. Loves the tart taste too so easy to give him.
09/04/2019, By Salomé
This is better than the OTM in tablet form & the kids love it.
02/04/2019, By Hayley
My daughter has had chronic tummy troubles, and this has really helped. Better value than many other probiotics on the market, and easy to get into a 5 year old. It doesn't taste great - its a bit vinegary - but the taste disappears in about 5 seconds.
15/03/2019, By Bridget
Since starting this with my almost three year old he has not had a single sick day off school. It's fantastic.
13/11/2018, By Lauren
Love giving good quality products to my kids which support their health. I buy this every month
09/11/2018, By nataie
Amazing product that works and is value for money. Seen results in my kids in a few days
25/10/2018, By Michelle
Thank you
22/10/2018, By Tammy
Rawbiotics products are fantastic, I highly recommend this especially for children. My baby has it every day and is super healthy.
15/10/2018, By Kate
Best probiotic which I have found for my child.He has gotten used to the taste and I love that is is live probiotic
08/10/2018, By Heidi
After reading the reviews I decided to give this a try. My 4 year old does not mind the taste, but my 1 year old spits it out. Time will tell if they benefit from this or not.
06/10/2018, By Eliziah
My fussy toddler happily takes this, so yay!
15/09/2018, By Kirsten
My toddler made it through winter with only minor sniffles after taking this daily. She loves the taste.
13/09/2018, By Tanita
Love the product my kids actually drink it Bo fights yay :)
01/09/2018, By DB
A brilliant product that all my fussy kids use.
Definitely recommend this and the adult version.
15/07/2018, By Lauren
Effective budget friendly probiotic
06/05/2018, By Kirsten
Tried this after reading the rave reviews on the Efficient Microbes Health Booster. My 2 year old had ongoing diarrhoea since starting school in January and this probiotic seems to have helped make things more solid. She's also managed to keep a mild cold from escalating. We had no problem with the taste. I'm definitely going to try the other products for my husband and I.
11/04/2018, By Lyn
Literally makes my kids gag, a real struggle getting it down. We will mix with juice and persist and see how well it works.
12/03/2018, By Justine
Great, great product. Give to my kids most days. Not the best taste, but they take it easily. They have been pretty consistently healthy for a long time whereas before, it was weekly colds and flu's.
06/03/2018, By Bonita
Great Probiotic, as I can already see the difference it has made to my child’s health! It does have a better taste to most liquid live probiotics, but my daughter still does not like that taste, so it is a struggle getting it into her

Please Note:

Faithful to Nature is an online retail store, specialising in a wide selection of natural supplements, vitamins, superfoods and health-related products. Our green team is all about helping you unlock your full potential to live a healthy life; however we are not medical professionals. Please do consult your health care practitioner when seeking medical advice. Some products may be manufactured in a factory that also produce gluten, nuts and dairy products.

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