Robyn Recommends… for Your Hands & Feet

To illustrate why I am devoting a whole article to our digits, I have copied an introduction from an article I wrote on hands last year.
“Our hands, nails and feet tell many a secret about our lifestyle. Whether they are being held or doing the holding, been waved around to bring excitement to a story, clapping for joy or being bitten during a tense moment our hands help us to communicate so much. They also help us to do so much too and all this doing, working, walking, weeding, cleaning and typing takes its toll. So in appreciation for our very busy digits this month, I’ve compiled some tips and recipes to keep those hands a walking and a talking in style…”

Be sure to visit our tips for healthy hands and check out our guide to feetabulous feet.

Hand Soaps

Trevarno Organic Rose & Jojoba SoapThis is a rejuvenating, soothing and anti-inflammatory bath soap. Richly moisturising, it contains Organic Rose petals infused into Organic Jojoba and Olive Oils. The ground rosehip shells in the soap also give it mild exfoliating properties! It can be used on both the face and the body.
Bella Blossom Hand Wash Love This very special hand wash is new on our store and I just cannot get enough of it. My hands don’t feel dry after using it, and the smell is so lovely that I find myself lathering my hands for longer and more frequently than usual. Just bliss!

Hand Creams

Trevarno Olive & Almond Hand CreamThis is without a doubt the most scrumptious hand cream my hands have even come in contact with. The smell is divine but your hands will feel noticeably more plump and soft after using this. You won’t be disappointed with this treat. As a Uk magazine said “100 per cent organic, healing comfrey and almond oil transform dry chapped hands into hand-model-worthy mitts”
Victorian Garden Double Rose Ultra Rich Hand CreamThe fact that it is our most popular selling hand cream by a long shot should say enough. This is a highly concentrated and effective blend of organic ingredients specifically chosen to nourish and nurture the hands.

Hand & Foot Scrubs

Spoil Yourself Hand & Foot Scrub with Lavender &a SpearmintIf your lower and upper digits could scream I want, they’d be doing it with this decadent product. But really, more people see your hands and feet than say your thighs, so why shouldn’t these busy parts of your body get some scrubalicious attention too?

Foot Balms

Trevarno Propolis OintmentPropolis has to be one of nature’s grandest gifts. Not only is it anti-fungal (ideal for treating or keeping conditions like athletes foot at bay) but it is very moisturising and can really get to work on dry cracked heels. Chris and I spend a lot of time bare foot and unfortunately it shows on our feet. This wonder balm has really made a difference though to seriously cracked soles!
Spoil Yourself Foot Cream with Tea Tree & CamphorApply once or twice a day depending on the condition of your heels. Wait a minute for the cream to absorb and feel the difference.
Victorian Garden Peppermint & Lemongrass Foot Balm  

This is a light but stimulating easily absorbed aromatic foot balm with invigorating Peppermint. It is a perfect synergy of ingredients especially chosen for their active properties on the skin, which help to keep the feet in excellent condition.

Foot Soak

Spoil Yourself Foot SoakThe Spoil Yourself foot soak gets a seriously big thumbs up from me! If the idea of tingly refreshed feet at an affordable price sounds like a treat up your street, then you’ll be more than satisfied! A combination of sea salt, Epsom salts and peppermint and tea tree essential oils are just the right remedy to perk up tired feet. It is also safe to use in a foot spa. Once you’ve smelt this sensory feast you’ll be sure to find many more excuses to pamper your feet.

Nail Treatments

Trevarno Nail ConditionerI just love products that over deliver and this is one of those products that I have complete confidence in promoting! The balm is rich in silica which strengthens nails. It has also been blended with Olive Oil and with Propolis for it’s anti-fungal properties, and Cocoa Butter and Beeswax to protect and strengthen nails perfectly. Not only will it condition the nails but it will also help reduce ridging. Apply daily and within 2-3 weeks you’ll know exactly what I am talking about. Enjoy.
Hunters Creek Calendula Cuticle OilCalendula oil is fantastic at restoring balance and health to our nails. I just love the fact that this Vitamin E and calendula blend comes as such an affordable price and even better that it lasts for a really long time. Now we can all pamper and care for our nails naturally!
Happy Pampering! And please don’t ever hesitate to contact me if you wish to find out more about a product or get some advice or recommendations on choosing the right products for your hands and feet.
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