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Biogrow Copper Soap (Fungicide)

Biogrow Copper Soap (Fungicide)
Biogrow Copper Soap (Fungicide)
15 reviews Add review
  • 500ml
CPTIn stock, 38 items available online
JHBIn stock, 18 items available online
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Biogrow Copper Soap provides organic control and suppression of fungal diseases in plants. It safeguards your plants with a unique fatty acid formula that ensures copper ions effectively eliminate fungal and bacterial spores. It also controls blackspot, rust, mould, and mildew. It can be used on vegetables, flowers, organic gardening, herb gardens, greenhouses, indoor house plants, lawns, roses, fruits, berries, hanging planters, foliage, houseplants and ornamental trees, making it ideal for both indoor and outdoor use. We love that Biogrow is organic and free from synthetic chemicals and leaves behind no harmful residue, ensuring your plants remain pure and natural.

Our strict ingredient policy means that you can always shop according to your values. Every item on FtN is checked to be better for the environment, socially responsible, good for you and free from toxic ingredients.

This product is a patented, fixed copper fungicide, made by combining a soluble copper fertilizer with a naturally occurring fatty acid. The copper and the fatty acid combine to form a copper salt of the fatty acid, known technically as soap.

The copper soap fungicide controls many common diseases using low concentrations of copper, down as low as 90 ppm. The net result is an excellent vegetable, fruit and ornamental fungicide. It decomposes to form soluble copper, and fatty acid, both of which can be used by microbes and plants. The copper soap is suited for use in domestic circumstances, both indoors and outdoors.

It controls diseases of a wide range of plants, including many vegetable, fruit and ornamentals. As with most fungicides it acts to protect plants from infection. Therefore, it is important to have the copper soap on the leaf, flower or fruit before the pathogen is able to cause an infection.

This product will control fungal diseases such as: Powdery mildew and downy mildew on vegetables and ornamentals; rust on ornamentals; late blight on potatoes and tomatoes and Peronospora and downy mildew on grapes.

Application rates: 500 ml – 1 500 ml per 100ℓ water, use the higher dosage under high infection periods.

Directions for use: Apply as a full cover spray, ensure thorough wetting of plant. Under wet and humid conditions spray every 7-10 days. Under dry conditions apply every 14 days. Re-apply after rain. If possible spray before the disease is visible.

Ingredients: Natural octanoic fatty acid, Copper sulphate, Carnouba wax, Water.

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Overall Rating
4.9 out of 5 stars from 15 reviews

15 out of 15 people would recommend this product

04/11/2023, By Hettie
This product definitely works. Had very bad fungus on my hedge. After two applications started seeing improvement.
03/09/2023, By Helen
Recently bought so no major change yet, but it will save the garlic.
19/04/2023, By Gina
Excellent product.
17/04/2022, By Larga
It's saving my garden from blight as I type! A one of a kind product that has a proprietary nature and is proudly South African. Biogrow have gone to all the massive effort to be declared "eco". This is no small feat!
31/07/2020, By Ocean
Top stuff
09/06/2020, By Goodness
31/05/2020, By Mia
Great product for veggie gardens!
29/05/2020, By Rock
Good for paving tiles
02/04/2020, By Winner
This was the one
28/03/2020, By Green
Works well
25/10/2019, By Caro Lune
This worked almost immediately and saved my young tomato plants.
08/10/2019, By Laurie
As an organic gardener, I love all these products. I often use it in a cocktail of other products and works a treat! Love it
19/07/2019, By Gallo
Kinda worked
14/10/2018, By Case
Excellent product. We use it in combination with other products in the range such as Pyrol, Vegol and Phyto. Plants are happy and healthy...and we still get the odd ladybug, bee and mantis visiting - which BioGrow don't deter.
27/06/2017, By Brenda
Fantastic product, works fast and has saved quite a few of my bulbs.

Please Note:

Faithful to Nature is an online retail store, specialising in a wide selection of natural supplements, vitamins, superfoods and health-related products. Our green team is all about helping you unlock your full potential to live a healthy life; however we are not medical professionals. Please do consult your health care practitioner when seeking medical advice. Some products may be manufactured in a factory that also produce gluten, nuts and dairy products.

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