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SOiL Palmarosa Essential Oil

Clean Beauty Choice
SOiL Palmarosa Essential Oil
SOiL Palmarosa Essential Oil
22 reviews Add review
  • 10ml
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Palmarosa oil is distilled from the fresh or dried stems of this grass which grows wild in India and is cultivated in the Seychelles and Comoro Islands. Palmarosa is a great revitalising oil for any skin type. It restores water balance and stimulates the natural secretion of sebum and is therefore useful for dry skin. It also helps skin regrowth by aiding cell regeneration and so is helpful in reducing wrinkles. The Palmarosa oil is effective in acne and old acne scars and wrinkles caused by long exposure to the Sun. Due to its natural antiseptic constituent, it can be applied directly on boils. It also takes care of broken veins. Many use it for oily skin, blemishes and as a skin moisturiser. It is also reputed to have a tonic effect on the digestive and nervous systems.

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Directions for Use
Essential oils are the highly concentrated active Ingredients of plants. They should always be diluted in a base before use and should not be taken internally without professional recommendation.

  • Baths: Add 5 - 10 drops of essential oil(s) to a warm run bath. If skin is sensitive, blend the essential oil in a teaspoon of carrier oil first. Close the door so the vapours don't escape. Soak for at least 10 minutes relaxing and breathing deeply. For added moisturising dilute the oils in 10ml of carrier before adding to the bath.
  • Massage: add 5 - 6 drops of essential oil per 10ml of carrier oil. Mix thoroughly and apply liberally to the skin.
  • Inhalations: Add 4 - 5 drops of essential oil to a bowl of steaming water. Place a towel over your head, close your eyes and lean over the bowl. Inhale the vapour for a few minutes.
  • Burners and Diffusers: Fill the bowl of the burner/vaporiser with water and then add 3 - 6 drops of essential oil. Light the candle and the oil will evaporate as the water heats up. Do not let the bowl dry out.

Caring for Your Essential Oils
SOil essential oils and carrier oils are living products that are vulnerable to heat, moisture, air and light. It is best to store them in a cool, dark place with the lids well sealed. If your fridge is the only cool place around, allow the oils to reach a cool room temperature before use (around 20 degrees C).

Cymbopogon martini

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Overall Rating
4.8 out of 5 stars from 22 reviews

21 out of 22 people would recommend this product

11/04/2022, By Nadine
I love this. I add a few drops to my day cream. Love the soft rose-like fragrance. Also add it to my bath, along with a few drops of rose geranium. A very pleasant, soothing oil.
30/07/2021, By Jessica
Amazing product! Smells amazing and helps with my anxiety
29/05/2021, By Nicky
This oil is magic in a bottle. My daughter had a noted vein on bridge of her nose which we were told can only be fixed with surgery - well they were wrong. The once bulging vein is now flat and halfway faded away. It just works and will never be without it again!
18/05/2021, By Ashlyn
Amazing benefits for dry skin in winter when mixed with a carrier oil
26/01/2021, By Mia
I'll give it 4 stars because it's probably a great product. But I absolutely HATE the smell haha I'm sorry but it's terrible
08/01/2021, By Saleem
Amazing high quality oils for such a reasonable price. Love the scent of this one and it's easy on the skin.
30/11/2020, By Karel
Seems nice
31/10/2020, By Ari
Great product
25/10/2020, By Mien
Great product
01/10/2020, By Nicky
Soil oils are affordable and top quality
10/09/2020, By Duané
Very gentle on the skin and smells great when diffused!
08/08/2020, By Mountain
So good
25/07/2020, By Hlengiwe
I could feel the difference on 1st use. It stings a little for about 5 minutes but the after all good. I used it with my Bee Natural Liquid Gold Serum as a base. The combination is dynamite. The texture of my old acne scars is softening.
14/05/2020, By Sandesh Elaine
12/05/2020, By SavStClaire
Very nice oil to use at night with a carrier oil!
10/05/2020, By Kez
Great oil to use on the skin. I mix it with a grape seed carrier oil so that the skin absorbs it well during my nigh-time skincare routine.
29/03/2020, By Green
11/09/2019, By Sara
Smells lovely and is a a very versatile oil.
17/12/2018, By Samantha
Quality product that feels wonderful on my skin.
13/07/2018, By Jeannie
Gorgeous quality oil.
05/05/2018, By RED
I’ve been using this brand essential oil for over a year now and I’m really happy with the quality of these products !! Would definitely recommend
27/06/2017, By Brenda
Such a good quality oil for an affordable price

Please Note:

Faithful to Nature is an online retail store, specialising in a wide selection of natural supplements, vitamins, superfoods and health-related products. Our green team is all about helping you unlock your full potential to live a healthy life; however we are not medical professionals. Please do consult your health care practitioner when seeking medical advice. Some products may be manufactured in a factory that also produce gluten, nuts and dairy products.

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