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Little Gems Flu Kit 1

Little Gems Flu Kit 1

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Little Gems Flu Kit 1
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The Little Gems Flu Kit 1 is designed to have immediate effect for all of the initial flu symptoms, from sore throats to runny noses and coughs. This box contains four different remedies for dealing with the onset of a flu infection. Keep the Flu Kit 1 in your handbag or when travelling, for dealing with flu symptoms as they start.

Our strict ingredient policy means that you can always shop according to your values. Every item on FtN is checked to be better for the environment, socially responsible, good for you and free from toxic ingredients.
  • Helps with fever and the sudden heat followed by cold sweat and chills
  • Helps to alleviate the restlessness, pain and achiness associated with flu
  • Soothes an irritated throat and pharynx
  • Helps to alleviate the discomfort associated with post nasal drip and upper respiratory spasm
  • Reduces excessive mucus production
  • Helps to stop a runny nose at the start of a viral flu or cold
  • Changes the thick yellow/green mucus to the more manageable clear, watery mucus 
  • Opens blocked nasal passages and stops swelling of the posterior nares of the nose
  • Can have an immediate effect on pain if taken at first symptoms
  • Suitable for children and adults.


  • The homeopathic antibiotic
  • Take at the start of any infection where there is redness, pus, fever and pain.
  • This remedy has antibiotic and anti-septic properties and can prevent an infection from progressing.
  • Fever with sudden heat followed by a cold sweat and chills.
  • Red and inflamed mucous membranes in the throat and mouth, ears and chest.
  • Restlessness and pain

Tickle In The Throat Cough:

  • For harassing, irritating coughs caused by post nasal drip or upper respiratory spasm.
  • Especially for coughs that get worse when lying down or from cold air.
  • Soothes an irritated throat and pharynx.

Sore Throat:

  • An immunomodulator and pain reliever which can stop the progression of tonsillitis.
  • For any sore throat, swollen tonsils or inflammation of the throat and pharynx.
  • Take at the first symptom of a sore throat to stop the progression of flu.
  • Lymph drainage for chronic enlarged tonsils and swollen glands on the neck and jawline.
  • Can have an immediate effect on pain if taken at first symptoms.
  • Even if tonsils are removed, this remedy can still be taken for a sore throat

Runny And Snotty Nose

  • This is a symptomatic treatment for healing mucous membranes in the nose and sinuses.
  • Lessens excessive mucous production
  • Stops a runny nose at the start of a viral flu or cold
  • Changes thick yellow/green mucous to more watery mucous to prevent congestion of the sinuses
  • Opens a blocked nose and stops swelling of the posterior nares of the nose.
  • A snotty nose can be a sign of viral/bacterial infection, or allergies to certain air-bourne allergins, or even food sensitivities.
  • Please consider the FLU 2 Kit to sort out a runny nose that does not stop.


  • Infection: Take 5 pillules 3 times daily, or every hour in acute cases
  • Tickle In The Throat Cough: Take 5 pillules 3 times a day or as needed
  • Sore Throat: Take 5 pillules 3x day. Take with Infection complex every 15 minutes for the first hour to prevent flu progression
  • Runny & Snotty Nose: Take 5 pillules 3x day or every hour if needed


  • Contains 4 different remedies: the Homeopathic Antibiotic 10g, the Tickle In The Throat Cough Remedy 10g, the Sore Throat Remedy 10g, and the Runny & Snotty Nose Remedy 10g.


  • Infection: Pyrogen 30ch, Hepar Sulf 12ch, Echinacea D3, Baptisia D30, Penicillinum 30ch, Gun Power 12ch, Ferrum Phos 30ch
  • Tickle In The Throat Cough: Aspidospema 30ch, Aralia 30ch, Dulcamara 30ch, Grindelia 30ch, Lobelia 30ch
  • Sore Throat: Belladonna D5, Kali Bich D6, Hepar sulf D6, kali mur D6, , Merc Iodatus ruber D6, Merc Iodatus D6, Phytolacca 12ch, Calc Phos D7
  • Runny & Snotty Nose: Kali bich D12, Silica 7ch, Nasal mucosa 7ch, Kali mur 30ch, Kali sulf 30ch , Merc Sol D30, Kali Iod 30ch Euphrasia D12, Allium cepa 12CH, Pulsatilla 6CH, Nat mur D6, Sabadilla 30ch

Country of Origin:

  • Made in South Africa
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Overall Rating
5 out of 5 stars from 3 reviews

3 out of 3 people would recommend this product

08/11/2021, By Andria
I started using these kits on my daughter, who is constantly sick and always at the doctor, it would always start off as an allery/ runny nose and progress into an upper respiratory infection. I used to give her Antihistamine every day.
These kits have been a game changer, as soon as her nose starts I give them to her and within a day it clears up. The last time she was sick I managed to treat her at home with no doctor visits or medicine, usinf the kits and her symptoms where also alot milder and cleared up quickly , I have also stopped giving her Antihistamine
12/03/2020, By Layle
Easy to use and works well for snotty noses and sore throats
16/04/2019, By Jess
Love these kits! We took kit 1 and 2 when travelling to the States with our 3 year old and the whole family ended up using them! Granny was so amazed at their effectiveness, we may have converted her to homeopathy!
I was so relieved to know I had something with me to treat all the common ailments which crop up while travelling on aeroplanes and changing climates.

Please Note:

Faithful to Nature is an online retail store, specialising in a wide selection of natural supplements, vitamins, superfoods and health-related products. Our green team is all about helping you unlock your full potential to live a healthy life; however we are not medical professionals. Please do consult your health care practitioner when seeking medical advice. Some products may be manufactured in a factory that also produce gluten, nuts and dairy products.

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