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Faithful to Our
Tourism Industry

When the World Changes, Our Conversations Need to Change Too

Many brands find themselves in an uncomfortable position in a COVID-19 world - disproportionate spending and flash sales feel inappropriate in a time where people are collectively facing the most difficult year yet. At Faithful to Nature, it’s our responsibility to stay true to the most vulnerable parts of our ecosystem - people, flora, and fauna alike.

Last Year, We Spoke About Illegal Wildlife Trading

Little did we know that it could have been linked to the outbreak that spread across our world and impacted us all in one way or another. When one species is under threat, it can have a ripple effect that touches all of our lives, as we can see today. The illegal wildlife trade has devastating consequences throughout the world, but on a more personal level, it has severely impacted the very people trying to end it - those working in tourism, with wildlife, and conserving our environment.

This Year, More Humans Are Under Threat Than Ever

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the tourism industry has been victim to one of the biggest fallouts, with many of those working in conservation losing their livelihoods. As a society, we struggled to maintain our first line of defence protecting our vulnerable species. Nico Jacobs from Rhino 911 reported spikes in levels of poaching, “Just as soon as the lockdown hit South Africa, we started having an incursion almost every single day.” With our front line still recovering from the financial blow, our animals are vulnerable like never before, without the protection of busy tourist spots and rangers to defend them.

That’s why this year, our conversation needs to change: to stop illegal trading we need people - the ones on the front line. By helping those impacted to get back on their feet, we can help to restore the part of tourism that is Faithful to Nature through and through.

Support Our Communities, Support Our Wildlife, Support Our Economy

We’re partnering with the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) to provide a way for you to make a difference to our fragile ecosystem by helping one human at a time.

For every day of our Black Friday promotions, we’ll be donating a percentage of the sales on those days to the EWT so that they can continue to conduct their critical conservation work for the good of the wildlife, the tourism sector, and our country.

Stats You Need to Know



  • 594 rhinos poached in 2019
  • 415 000 elephants left in Africa
  • 2.7 million pangolins poached globally


  • 2.9% of our GDP
  • 725 000 jobs on the line
  • R82.5 billion in foreign spend


  • 7.1 million unemployed in Q1
  • 2.2 million jobs lost in Q2
  • 600 000 tourism jobs impacted

What Does Your Donation Mean?

From the smallest frog to the majestic rhino; from sweeping grasslands to arid drylands; from our shorelines to winding rivers: the EWT is working with you, to protect our world. Your donation - no matter how big or small - makes a tangible difference to the work we do, and enables us to:

  • Empower communities to live & work in harmony with nature
  • Train thousands of law enforcement officials on wildlife trade issues
  • Keep livestock safe from predators with guard dogs on rural farms
  • Raise awareness & create connections between young people & nature
  • Feed over 10,000 learners from school vegetable gardens that they support
  • Conserve grasslands, wetlands, habitats, wildlife & secure critical water sources
  • Increase safe spaces for cheetahs & wild dogs in South Africa & beyond

Faithful to Nature Talks to EWT on Raising Funds

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Click or scan the QR code and make a donation of any amount you'd like to EWT

Learn More About EWT

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