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The first month of your pregnancy is generally uneventful for most expecting mothers. Some women only know that they are pregnant once they have missed their period or after they have done a pregnancy test that is positive. For most women, the hormone hCG, which...

This is the part when months finally turn into weeks. I clearly remember sitting at a braai and chatting with a friend, realising that in just eight short weeks I would be delivering my little baby into the world. After months of growing and waiting...

Welcome to month seven, the start of your last trimester. I call this the phase of nesting, constipation and birth plans. This was a time when I felt a mild panic begin to bubble to the surface of my consciousness. Not so much about having...

You’ve reached the last month of your second trimester. Your due date is inching closer, your body looks decidedly pregnant and the weight of carrying your child is slowly starting to add some strain to your muscles and joints. You may have left those initial,...

You’re officially half way there! You're probably wondering how on earth time has moved so fast, or maybe you're wondering why it's moving so slowly either way. You are at a very important milestone. Halfway through your pregnancy! Take a minute to really consider how it...

Hooray! You have made it through a third of your pregnancy! While the first trimester could easily pass as the most nauseating (thank you, morning sickness) the second trimester is by the most enjoyable. A lot happens with your baby and your body during this...

Welcome to the end of the first trimester. Well done, mama! You made it. Between announcing your pregnancy, worrying about spotting and that dreadful morning sickness, these past few weeks have not been easy. But you are looking at the final stretch of the first...

If you're anything like me, your first month of pregnancy was filled with a ridiculous number of pregnancy tests, lots of anxiety and kind of surreal, "is this actually happening?" fog. Now that we're past all of that and the reality (read: excitement) actually starts...