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The skin is the largest eliminatory organ in the body, which is why skin and coat problems are often the first indicators of poor health and care. Yet, almost every pet suffers from some sort of skin condition. Even veterinarians are lost when it comes...

Touch like a smile can brighten and heal a person's spirit in just a moment. Touch can make us feel reassured and loved when a moment ago we felt insecure or troubled. Touch is an important way for us to connect with one another, to...

Scent-preferences are highly personal and subjective. Why is it that certain scents will transport one person with delight, but will be offensive to another? Our scent associations are directly linked to our memories. In one survey, for example, responses to the question 'What are your...

If you are going to give gifts this year, we hope you are able to find gifts that are locally made; beautifully crafted and sustainable in their nature. To help you on this fun filled quest, we have chosen some very special products that are...

Rising concerns about the harmful effects of hair colour have drawn many back to the old-fashioned methods of hair-lightening and of course like all things natural, there is a world of other options if you want to enhance your hair colour naturally. Subtly enhancing your hair...

Romance is not only about sharing a candlelight dinner with your lover or about spending lots of money on cards and teddies when Valentines day comes around, rather memorable romantic experiences can be created and shared with any person who is special and wonderful in...

by Vicki Penfold Vicky Penfold shares some sobering but very enlightening thoughts and facts on what lead her to put her children in non-disposable nappies and to create her own range of non-disposable hemp nappies. After a year of keeping a horrid little shoe box replete with...

Steiner once said that the geography of the land reflects the hidden forces that shapes not only the landscape but is also a reflection of the Folk-Souls and thus shapes those born there. Just as the geography of the land reflects its hidden forces, so...