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Making your own baby food is not only healthier for your baby, it’s also more cost effective and environmentally friendly to boot! The pace of modern living can be described as frenetic at best, so we know that the convenience of store-bought, ready-to-eat baby food seems...

Who Am I? Hello! My name is Jolene and I am an adrenaline junkie. I love motorbikes (yes, I have my licence); I have (briefly) flown a stunt plane (barrel rolled and loop-di-looped!) and I have summited Kilimanjaro. Conversely I am also super chilled and spend...

Nothing beats a helping of tender, crisp fresh produce on your dinner plate – but of course there are few things worse than a mushy spoonful of limp, lifeless and colourless veggies, which will most likely prompt the younger members of your family to put...

It’s time to put on your radiant summer face. For skin that’s radiant and glowing with health, try this quick & easy Turmeric face mask. These 3 simple ingredients are all super skin beautifying tricks brought together to pamper your skin into the new season Turmeric...

Mixing your own perfume sounds pretty exotic doesn’t it? Well, it is, but it’s also simple and very cost-effective! Step 1: Dilution The strength of your aromatic liquid or perfume depends on the ratio of essential oils to water and alcohol. Perfume is the strongest formula: 15-30...

Christian Dior once said “A woman’s perfume tells more about her than her handwriting” – and it’s true, your favourite fragrance is like your “scent signature”, a powerful part of how you express yourself. And, when you consider that over 60% of what you spray on your...

It's time to get in shape for summer, and one of the classic tools in the dietary arsenal when it comes to building that lean summer body is protein. Protein is an essential building block for our bodies and those of us that avoid meat particularly...

Coffee wakes up the world. And what a way to wake up when you know that it’s not only going to help you rejuvenate for the day, but it’s also going to help improve your skin tone? If drinking is the only way you are...

Going vegan and forswearing the world of the many convenient staple foods you have grown accustomed to may seem a little intimidating. But there are plenty of delicious alternative options that will more than supply you with all the nutrition and tastiness you could want....