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Quite surprisingly, I still hear people make the excuse that they cannot afford to buy organic products. If health and wellbeing or even value for money are priorities, then this does not make sense to me at all. Perhaps there still exists the perception...

There are so many things to consider these days when choosing the right nappy solution for your baby. In the past, we simply had to choose between cloth or disposable and most often, this choice had to do with time, money and convenience. Now we...

[caption id="attachment_481" align="alignright" width="200" caption="organic cocao smoothie"][/caption] Finally we're telling you what you've been wanting to hear your whole lives and deep down knew to be true… CHOCOLATE IS GOOD FOR YOU! Yes!...

So why organic food you may ask? Because it's such an important question and because there is such an abundance of robust information on why we should eat organic food, we have devoted a whole article (below) to the topic. Please do read it. Either...

You will find these nasties in your home detergents (from your spot remover to carpet cleaner), your beauty products and your personal care products. Unfortunately, there has been no move to make manufacturers of cosmetic and cleaning products list their ingredients, but by 2011 it...

No one wants to have the wool pulled over their eyes but it’s probably happening everyday you walk into a store. Become a little more discerning to the marketing hype out there however, and you will have back the power to make more informed and...

The term greenwashing comes from the expression brain washing. It refers to corporations that try to deceive customers by giving their brands or products a positive environmental image, when in fact there is no truth in the claim. The movement to organic products has grown substantially...